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Examples of Recently Completed Work.

  • Engineer: Mudasir Hafiz| Industry: Insurance, 30/12/2013

    Attended site to re-patch and test all network connections following an office move. Tested and working.

  • Engineer: Zubair | Industry: PR, 27/05/2020

    Configured VPN connection on users MacBook so they can work from home. Tested and working.

  • Engineer:Riyaz | Industry: Servers, 27/05/2020

    Users Mac was running out of local disk space. Issue resolved by consolidating VM snapshots and deleting temporary files.

  • Engineer: Faisal | Industry: IT, 29/05/2020

    User experienced problems with Outlook 2013 crashing. Problem resolved by performing an online repair. Tested and working.

  • Engineer: Yawar | Industry: Education, 09/12/2013

    Installed E-pulse server monitoring software to a Mac server. Tested and working. Monitoring now active.

  • Engineer: Chris H | Industry: Fashion, 08/12/2013

    Installed and configured Sage accounting software to a new PC. Tested and working.

  • Engineer: Fahad | Industry: Support, 29/05/20203

    Configured remote access for a new CCTV system. Assigned static ip and configured firewall rules. Tested and working.

  • Engineer: Yawar | Industry: Financial, 29/11/2013

    Installed and configured a new Dell Optiplex PC and 2 x monitors for a new member of staff. Hardware and software licensing supplied by Etechbs™ IT Department.

  • Engineer: Zubair | Industry: Financial, 28/11/2013

    Installed a new software application on the customers cloud platform for company-wide use. Tested and working.

  • Engineer: Aqib Hussain | Industry: Marketing, 29/05/2020

    Created a temporarily email account for a freelancer. OWA only required. Tested and working.

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