Online Data Archiving Solutions for Small Business.

Deep Data - Online Data ArchivingThe cost-effective ‘high capacity’ digital data storage solution.

Deep Data is a cloud-based online data archiving solution that is used for storing large volumes of electronic data in a secure environment.

Typical examples of archived data include media files, images, electronic documents, email or any other data that is no longer in active use.

The rising cost of electronic data retention.

Rapid data growth within the SME sector has increased year on year. Extended data retention can place additional strain on your IT; effecting both the speed and stability of your network. The manual process of managing large volumes of data can also prove to be a major distraction for network administrators.

The above scenarios can be avoided by implementing a cloud based data archiving solution. Free up valuable storage space and relieve your overburdened Windows network by archiving your business critical retention data with Deep Data.Backing up data using an online or media-based backup solution can prove costly for a business that retains large quantities of data on their network. It can also cripple the restore process when using conventional backup media.

The secure way to archive digital data.

Some businesses implement an onsite data archive solution by storing their inactive data on a NAS or SAN device, or even an external backup drive. Others archive their data using traditional backup tape media.

Digital Data Archiving Software Logo

But what if the worst happened and an act of nature rendered your data unrecoverable? What if your business was a victim of crime and your archiving solution was stolen, never to be recovered?

Deep Data is the most secure digital data archiving solution available for small business. When using Deep Data, multiple copies of your inactive data will be securely retained on our cloud-based servers. Our cloud servers are hosted at two of the UK’s most secure, purpose-built Tier-4 and Tier-2 data centres.

What is the difference between online backup & data archiving?

  • Online backup is a scheduled backup of active data, accessed on a daily basis. Online backup can be used to restore data when it is accidently deleted, lost or destroyed
  • Data archiving is a solution used to store a large volume of inactive data, which is not required for everyday use but needs to be retained for occasional use and business continuity

Who is Deep Data suitable for?

Deep data is suitable for small businesses with a requirement to retain large amounts of electronic data.

Common examples include businesses from the creative sector such as media and PR companies, website designers and architects who retain large amounts of media files and images. Other examples include businesses from the recruitment and legal sectors that retain large amounts of electronic data and scanned documentation.

The benefits of archiving data online.

Improved operational efficiency – reduce the burden placed on your IT network by archiving data and freeing up additional resources

Reduce costs – remove the need for onsite storage hardware, reduce energy bills and online backup costs by archiving your data to the cloud

Reduced administrative processes - a better managed IT network

Enhanced data security – reduce risk of data loss by implementing an online data archive solution. Your data will be archived in two separate secure data centre locations

Regulatory Compliance – archive business critical documentation, emails and other important data. Adhere to client regulations and industry compliance

How much data can I archive?

Deep Data allows you to archive up to 10 TB of digital data. Please contact us if you require a storage capacity higher than 10 TB.

Find out more today.

for product costings and additional information, contact a member of the IT sales team today.